Tuesday, February 26, 2013

01.02 Evolution of American Journalism

       Early journalism has shaped our world in a way that we can’t even begin to understand. In the 1690s, someone tried to publish the first American newspaper. This person was arrested for trying to show his opinion! Had this brave individual not taken the first steps towards modern journalism, we might not have the luxuries of free press that we do today. 

       If the freedom of the press was not guaranteed,  I can’t even imagine where we would be right now. We would have no way to voice our opinions about certain topics. We would have no way to inform the public of what’s going on with our country. Without the freedom of the press, people could go to jail or be killed because they want to spread their opinion to the world. 

“In America the President reigns for four years, and Journalism governs for ever and ever."
—Oscar Wilde

       America has come so far as a nation when it comes to free speech. When the Bill of Rights was written, journalism became a protected profession. Journalists are free to speak their minds, even if it’s something that other people don’t really like to hear. The New York Times newspaper was founded in 1851, 75 years after the U.S. gained its independence. That newspaper is still a major source of news today. If we hadn’t ever gained the right to free speech, the New York Times would’ve never been founded. Also, radio and television might have been invented a little later than they were. If we didn’t have a need to invent some way to spread news quicker, the radio and television might have been invented 50 years later than they were.